
Dear Secondary School Families: 

Happy Friday! Happy Good Friday and happy Passover to those in our community who celebrate. We have arrived at the spring recess (woohoo!). Hopefully you had a good April Fools Day - I know the students and staff here had a little good spirited fun! What I am about to say might sound like a joke, but I promise it is not. Our newly published cohort calendar will require a light tune up for the month of June. We recently received some update guidance from NYSED that will impact our Regents week schedule. The four exams and the dates remain unchanged (see below in this letter for the exact dates and time). Wednesday June 16 and Monday June 21 are changing to a half day of virtual instructional for grades 9-12 (previously they were days off for Regents week). Middle school (6-8) students will be in-person (half day) for final exams on June 16 and June 21. In addition, Friday, June 18 will be a half day of virtual instruction for all 6-12 students. The cohort calendar incorrectly stated “No School” on this date.. This was published in error - schools generally do not observe holidays that fall on a Saturday (Saturday 6/19 is Emancipation Day). Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we continue to navigate through some of the calendar bumps. Stay tuned in the event there are any more updates. 


6/14          E Day


6/15      F Day        

        BLUE Group 

4th Quarter Ends

6/16         A Day

RED - Half Day

½ Day Virtual 9-121

6/17   B Day  

        RED Half Day

 Regents Testing - ELA

6/18     ½ Day Virtual

        Grades 6-12


6/21           C Day 

     RED Half Day    

     ½ Day Virtual 9-12


6/22  D Day 

        RED Half Day

Regents Testing - Living Environment 

6/23 E Day 

RED Half Day                      Regents Testing- Algebra I

6/24    F  Day

RED Half Day       Regents Testing -

Earth Science


Regents Rating Day

Graduation 10:00am

Here is the updated cohort calendar for your reference: 


National Honor Society: It’s very rare (actually it’s unheard of) that we get the opportunity to induct two completely different groups of students into the National Honor Society in the same school year (a pandemic can force you to change plans... a little)! Spring is traditionally the time that we complete nominations each year. Congratulations to the twenty newly inducted NHS students below (not pictured: Kendra Fox-Shaddock and Eloise Ring).  For induction, students must maintain a 90% or above cumulative average and be exemplary models of the four pillars of the National Honor Society; Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Character. We are very proud of the character and hard work demonstrated by this group of twenty rising seniors! 

Torin Bishop

Aidan McDonough

Abigail Buckley

Riley Meres

Elizabeth Campanella

Andrew Minbiole

Sophie Champagne

Colby Minbiole

Rocco DiCarlo

Gabriella Renna

Kendra Fox-Shaddock

Hope Rheeman

Alexander Gliosco

Eloise Ring

Jenna Hunt

Lily Rodda

Shay Kerwin

Shannon Ryan

Antoinette LoPorto

Ethan Skaarup

Alumni Panel: On Wednesday our Blue Cohort participated in an alumni panel presentation in the high school auditorium. Seven alumni representing a range of classes with diverse college and career experiences joined us for a virtual conversation about life after Tamarac. The presentation lasted for just over an hour. During this time the panelists were able to answer student generated questions and provide very helpful advice to our juniors and seniors. Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible including our Principal’s Advisory Committee, high school counselors, and the seven panelists listed below: 

  • Antonia Bevington, Class of 1995

  • Michelle Hutter. Class of 2000

  • Lindsay King, Class of 2010

  • Serena Lumanian, Class of 2018

  • Riley Pfeiffer, Class of 2020

  • Olivia Plunkett, Class of 2008

  • Cody Sargood, Class of 2010 


3-8 Assessments and Regents Calendar:


     3-8 Assessments  




    Grades 6-8

      Wed.April  21  

     (RED Cohort Day)

    Thurs. May 6

     (Red Cohort Day)

      Wed. June 2

    (Red Cohort Day)


 June Regents 


Living Environment

      Algebra I 

    Earth Science 

    Thurs. June 17

        @ 9:15 am

      Tues.  June 22 

          @ 9:15 am

    Wed. June 23

       @ 9:15 am

    Thurs. June 24

       @ 9:15 am



Yearbooks:  Last Call!  The staff is working hard to make The 2021 Tamarac High School yearbook as unique as this school year. For the first time the yearbook will cover the full school year! Order your copy for $63 (plus tax). The deadline for ordering is April 16. 


Free Tutoring: A reminder that RPI students are offering free “virtual” tutoring every Saturday until May 1 for all Brunswick students.. This is a tremendous opportunity to consider if your child is behind and needs additional support. 


Health/Wellness: **IMPORTANT** Please be sure to complete the daily screening survey before sending your child to school each morning. Your child should be kept home if they are experiencing any symptoms consistent with COVID. If your child’s symptoms are improving AND they are fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicine, they may return to school with a note from their doctor with an alternate diagnosis clearing them to return to school OR a copy of their negative COVID test result. We appreciate your help in keeping our school safe for everyone! 


Weekly Calendar:

Spring recess (No School): 4/5 - 4/9 

Monday 4/12 = BLUE Day   Tuesday 4/13 = RED Day    Wednesday 4/14 = WHITE Day  

Thursday 4/15  BLUE Day   Friday 4/16 RED Day

Be safe and have a great break!  #TamaracStrong



Ken Rizzo

Principal, Tamarac Secondary School