In accordance with New York State law, any student participating in a sport must have a physical on record within a year from the start of tryouts. Those not in compliance will not be allowed to participate in tryouts. A physical examination form is available here.


In accordance with New York State Law, school nurses must have a written request from a doctor in order to administer medication. The request must include the frequency and dosage of medications, the condition for which it is prescribed and a completed authorization form from a parent/guardian. A medication form is available here.

Medication (prescription or nonprescription) must be given by a parent directly to the school nurse. Students may NOT carry medicine in school at any time with the exception of epipens, inhalers and diabetic supplies. All medication (prescription or non-prescription) is to be brought to the school nurse by an adult.


Emergency information cards on file in the school nurse’s office have parents’ home and work telephone numbers, doctors’ names and numbers and persons to be contacted in emergencies if parents cannot be reached.

It is vitally important that you keep the nurse’s office appraised of any changes in address, telephone numbers, places of employment, and persons to be contacted in case of emergency. In medical emergencies, schools may only give first aid and must be able to contact someone who can make vital decisions about medical care. Sending a child to the hospital REQUIRES parental consent.

Emergency cards are also helpful when students must be dismissed form school unexpectedly. If the child cannot be released to one parent because of custody arrangements, please notify the nurse.


Attention Secondary School Parents and Guardians:

There has been a change in the attendance procedures at the Middle and High School.

If a child will be out or late, please call the Attendance office at 518-279-4600 ext 2406. Please note: the nurses office no longer receives these types of calls. Your child must provide a note on their next time into school for their absence or tardy.

If calling the main line for the school, the prompts have changed. Please note option 5 is for the nurse and option 6 is for attendance.

Elementary procedures are as follows: Whenever a student is absent, parents are requested to call the Health Office (279-4600, ext. 2012) prior to 9 a.m. After that time, a call will be made to the home of any child who is absent and has not yet called in. New York State Law mandates that a note signed by the parent or guardian be sent to the school explaining the nature of each absence IN ADDITION to calling the Health Office on the date of the absence.