Jamie Baksa
Elementary Nurse
518-279-4600 ext 2012
Fax: 518-279-0612
Vincenza Bader
Secondary Nurse
518-279-4600 ext 2426
Fax: 518-279-3888
Carol Crucetti
Secondary Nurse
518-279-4600 ext 2426
Fax: 518-279-3888
Elementary Attendance
(calling in late or absent)
Laurie Gosse
518-279-4600 ext 2002
Secondary Attendance
(calling in late or absent)
Absence Google Form
Courtney McKeon
518-279-4600 ext 2406

Important information for the
2024-2025 school year
NYS requires submission of student BMI (Body Mass Index) data as recorded on physical exams via a school survey that is done approximately every other year. INDIVIDUAL STUDENT DATA IS NOT REPORTED, only aggregate data. If you prefer that your student not be included in this anonymous survey, please respond in writing to the Student Health Office at the Elementary or Secondary School by Friday, November 29th.
All New York State public school students are required to have a complete health exam (physical) in Pre-K/K, grades 1,3,5,7,9, 11 and/or whenever they enter a new school (within 30 days of their start date). Updated physicals are also required for school sports & to obtain working papers. There is a NYS required form (updated in 2023) that your child’s physicians are required to use. Some MD offices have electronic physicals and those are acceptable.
If your child had a physical done over the summer (or anytime during the year), please send the original to the Health Office at their school (elementary or secondary). It can be dropped off at the school during regular school hours, or you may upload a copy at any time to Family ID Emergency Card. Please keep a copy for your records. Your physician may also fax the physical forms to us: Elementary : 518-279-0612- or- Secondary: 518-279-3888
Vision and Hearing screening as required by New York State is done with every new entrant, PreK or K, Grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 1nd 11. Scoliosis screening is done in grades 5 and 7 with girls and grade 9 with boys.
Illness & Attendance
Students who are returning to school after an absence MUST report directly to the front desk with a written note explaining their absence. A note from a physician may be required in order for the absence to be considered excused. Please notify the school first thing in the morning with a detailed message if your child will be absent that day. Voicemails are checked often, and if we have not received a message, we will try to contact you during the day. Please call : Elementary : 518-279-4600 x 2002 - or- Secondary : 518-279-4600 x 2205
All medications that your child may be required to take while in school must have a written doctor’s order, a written permission from the parent/guardian, and be in a labeled original container. Medications must be brought to school by an adult. DO NOT send any medications in with your child. Students are not allowed to carry any medications, whether prescription or over the counter, with them unless it is prescribed by their doctor and there is written permission from a parent/guardian in consultation with the Health Office. We will also need new Diabetes, Seizure, and Allergy plans yearly if your child has any of these medical conditions.
Emergency Cards & OTC Medications
The 2024-2025 emergency card will be available on Family ID on August 15th. Please log into your Family ID account and select the 2024-2025 emergency card to review all your information and make any corrections. A link to Family ID can be found at the top of our website, brunswickcsd.org It is vital that we have up to date phone numbers, emergency numbers, and emails for your family. Please complete and submit the Emergency Card/OTC form by September 15th.
Each year, a medication form which has been pre-signed by our school physician is included in your emergency card registration on Family ID. If you would like us to administer any of the over the counter (OTC) medications listed on the form, please check your preferences and sign. Then, you can either upload the form into Family ID or send it into the Health Office with your student. Any student without a medication permission slip on file in the Health Office will not be given any OTCmedications. Per NYS, a new form must be completed every year.
Communication & Communicable Diseases
Please inform the Health Office if your child is suffering from or has been diagnosed as having a communicable disease (ex. COVID-19, strep throat, head lice, chicken pox), so that we can take necessary precautions and notify other parents, allowing them to be on the lookout for symptoms in their child.
Injuries & PE/Sports
If your child is injured and is to be restricted from PE and/or sports, a note from the treating provider must be submitted to the Health Office. This note should include diagnosis/injury information as well any information on restrictions and/or specific limitations. When the student is cleared to return to PE/sports, a second note (a “release”) from the treating provider is also required.
Secondary School/Athletics
If your child plans on participating in any interscholastic sports, a current physical (within the past twelve months) is required. This information must be in the Health Office prior to the beginning of practice for the sport. DO NOT bring this information to the coaches, as it must be recorded and on file in the Health Office. A copy of the physical can be uploaded to Family ID during the registration process (or afterwards), brought to the Health Office by your student, or faxed to school at (518)279-3888.