Easy Reference

After hearing your valuable and much appreciated feedback, we wanted to create a specific page clarifying contact information for our district administrators, building secretaries, and non-instructional staff. You can also find all of this information under "Staff" on our website and app!

Please note that our main phone number is: 518-279-4600. Extensions are listed below.

Elementary School:

Building Principal: Kelly Onorato - keonorato@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2002

Building Secretary: Laurie Gosse - lgosse@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2002

School Office Aide: Alex Boyle - aboyle@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2003

School Nurse: Jamie Baksa - jbaksa@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2012

Fax Number: 518-279-0612

Attendance (calling in late or absent): Laurie Gosse - lgosse@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2002

All ES staff contact info can be found here: https://www.brunswickcsd.org/o/es/staff

Middle School/High School:

Secondary (MS & HS) Building Principal: Ken Rizzo - krizzo@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2401

Secondary (MS & HS) Building Assistant Principal: Brianna Rolston-Norton - brolston@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2201

HS Building Secretary: Laure Dahl - ldahl@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2402

Middle School/Assistant Principal's Secretary/Counseling Center Secretary/Athletic Department Secretary: Courtney McKeon - cmckeon@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2406

Attendance (student in late or absent): Courtney McKeon - cmckeon@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2406 or absence google form.

School Counselor (students A-F): TBD - Ext. 2404 

School Counselor (students G-M): Kari Dowling-Ryan - kryan@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2204

School Counselor (students N-Z): Sage Fulgan - sfulgan@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2405

School Nurses: Carol Crucetti - ccrucetti@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2426 / Mary Beth Farley - mfarley@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2426

Fax Number: 518-279-3888

All MS staff contact info can be found here: https://www.brunswickcsd.org/o/ms/staff

All HS staff contact info can be found here: https://www.brunswickcsd.org/o/hs/staff

District Office: 

Superintendent of Brunswick CSD Schools: Dr. Angelina Maloney - amaloney@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2602

Secretary to the Superintendent: Maureen Jensen - mjensen@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2602

Assistant Superintendent for Business: Stephanie Fanning - sfanning@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2604

Senior Account Clerk / Deputy Treasurer / Tax Collector: Catrina Schumaker - cschumaker@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2604

Director of Special Education / CSE Chairperson: Jodi Hogsberg - jhogsberg@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2701

Special Education Fax: 518-279-4889

Secretary to Special Education/Communications Specialist: Laura Perfetti - lperfetti@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2403

Registrar: Carol Petersen - cpetersen@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2607

Accounts Payable: Louise Jackson Lanz - ljacksonlanz@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2702

Network Administrator (IT Department): Eric Wetmore - ewetmore@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2615

Network Systems Technician (IT Department): Anthony Denovellis - adenovellis@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2616

Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds: Kevin McCormick - kmccormick@brunswickcsd.org

Transportation: Todd Wojtal - twojtal@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2801

Athletic Director: Chad Miner - cminer@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2411

Cafeteria Supervisor / Food Services: Joy Wright - jwright@brunswickcsd.org; Ext. 2208

All District Office Staff can be found here: https://www.brunswickcsd.org/o/bcsd/staff