The district was informed of one new positive case of COVID-19. Please check your email for further details and information.

The district was informed of two new positive cases of COVID-19. Please check your email for further details and information.

A reminder that tomorrow is a half day for elementary school students for parent/teacher conferences. Pickups will begin around 11:20 am and the buses will pull out around 11:40 am. Thank you.

If you have a child who will be entering Pre-K at Tamarac Elementary School in September 2022, please visit our website NEWS section for registration information.

Thank you to those who participated in World Down Syndrome Day yesterday by wearing blue and yellow! Join us for our next disability awareness day this Friday, March 25th. We will be wearing green to share awareness of Cerebral Palsy.

The district was informed of one new positive case of COVID-19. Please check your email for further details and information.

This week for our Senior Spotlight we highlight - Gabby Renna - Class of 2022! Spotlight your Senior. Fill out the form below & submit a photo to: communications@brunswickcsd.org. The form can be found here: https://forms.gle/7evRfrwhRsQ496qT8

The Tamarac Youth Activation Committee would like the community to join them in celebrating World Down Syndrome Day on Monday, March 21. If you would like to participate, please wear blue and yellow on this day. If your child wears blue or yellow on Monday, feel free to take a picture and send it to the Tamarac YAC Instagram page (@tamaracyac). Thank you for your support!

Students learned about the different genres in our secondary school library today with a St. Patrick's Day scavenger hunt! They discovered manga books, biographies, mysteries and an atlas - and found a prize at the end!

Apologies for the late notice but elementary morning kickball is cancelled for tomorrow morning, Thursday, March 17th. Kickball will resume on Friday.

The Counseling Center is hosting a Post-Secondary Planning Information Night on Thursday, March 31st at 6 p.m.

The Bengal Bistro opens for its Spring Season on Monday March 21, 2022!
After-School 2:15 pm-3:15 pm daily in the High School Cafeteria.
Shakes, Iced Coffee, Hot Chocolate & Cappuccino, Cheese Fries, Pizza, Quesadillas, Gatorade, Snacks, Waffle Wednesdays and more...

The district was informed of three new positive cases of COVID-19. Please check your email for further details and information.

Tamarac YAC would like to announce that they are selling t-shirts and bracelets for disability awareness. To kick off our campaign, we are selling t-shirts ($15) and bracelets ($2). We will ask our Tamarac community to wear their shirt on each of the disability awareness dates listed on the back of the tee-shirt. If you would like to purchase a tee-shirt and/or bracelet, please complete the form below by Friday, March 18th. Checks should be made out to Tamarac YAC. Payment (cash or check) can be delivered to Mrs. Phillips in room 110 or the HS front desk. Please look at / fill out the form for details and / or to place your order.

Students in the afterschool SEL Tech program in the secondary building have been experimenting with lucite. Hallie, Dylan and Tim made cup holders and phone holders.

Mrs. Danckwerth's public speaking students were tasked with giving explicit, clear directions to move from one X to another in the Auditorium lobby. Once they'd done so, students were put to the test to see if their directions were clear and accurate enough to have their partner successfully carry out the task while blindfolded. Mr. Rizzo was nice enough to come down and give it a shot (unfortunately, he and his partner, Xander Gliosco, were a bit unsuccessful) but it was still fun to watch!

Tamarac Secondary School - mark your calendar for next Friday, March 18th! It’s Tamarac’s 20th annual tie-dye day!

The district was informed of three new positive cases of COVID-19. Please check your email for further details and information.

A reminder that tomorrow, Friday, March 11th will be a half day for elementary students. Dismissal will begin at 11:25 a.m., with the buses rolling out by 11:40 a.m.

There will be no elementary kickball tomorrow morning. Kickball will resume on Friday morning.